
The Doberman, Very athletic and distinguished dog


Doberman Pinscher is a type of pet dog. One of the most common types of dog dogs is Doberman dogs. This breed is characterized by intelligence, activity, and loyalty. These dogs were used as guard dogs or police dogs, but this is no longer common today. In many countries, Doberman dogs are considered one of the most distinctive breeds due to their actual role in society and the media's interest in them. Accurate breeding improved the nature of this breed, as the Doberman dogs became more active and lively. Which makes it suitable to become a companion to family life.

The mood of Doberman

The Doberman puppies are mistakenly believed to be fierce and aggressive. For these reasons, he was raised to be a personal protection dog: it must be large, terrifying and ready to defend its owner. He also has to be obedient and no one can be attacked except by order. These traits were very important for a dog to perform as a personal guard dog, police dog, or war dog. But that did not make him a perfect companion. In recent decades, the size of the Doberman, his short body and his intelligence have made him a pet. These dogs are loyal, despite the misconception that they are aggressive. Where it is easy to teach them to "respect and protect" their owners. Thus, they are excellent guard dogs that protect their owners that love them. There is evidence that the Doberman in North America is quieter than in European countries, due to these breeding strategies. Because of these differences in breeding strategies, a group of Dobermans with different characteristics resulted. There are some dogs that are born with the true original standard of the Doberman, although many contemporary Doberman dogs in North America are distinguished by tenderness, loyalty, love, and intelligence.


Dog Intelligence is a term that includes all mental abilities such as: learning, problem solving, and communication. Doberman is ranked among the most intelligent dog breeds in experimental studies and expert assessments. For example, according to selective surveys carried out by some trainers, as described in his book: Dog Intelligence, biologist Stanley Corin ranked the Doberman in the fifth place in terms of intelligence in the group obedience training. In addition, Hart and Hart (1985) ranked Doberman in first place in the same category. Doberman also ranked first according to Tortura and Howe (1980) in terms of training. Although the assessment methods differ, these studies refer to the Doberman as one of the most trainable breeds, in addition to the Border Collie, the German Shepherd Dog, and the poodle.


There is some research done to determine whether a different breed leads to aggression, as well as studies on the personality of dogs. In a recent study, violence was divided into four categories: aggression targeting strangers, aggression targeting the owner, aggression targeting exotic dogs, and competition with other dogs. That study showed that Doberman is ranked relatively high in violence against strangers (after the German dog, and Chihuahua), but it comes very low in the violence directed against the owner. It also ranks among the violence against dogs and competition with dogs. In terms of trying to bite, Doberman Pinscher dogs rank low in human aggression. It is also less aggressive than other strains (such as the Cocker Spaniel, Border Collie, and the Great Danish. The study concluded that this aggression is caused by a genetic basis. The Doberman shows a distinct pattern of aggression that depends on the situation. Also, the Doberman does not fall under the aggressive strains.
Although recent studies do not place the Dobermans among the most aggressive dogs, these dogs seem aggressive because of their size, strength, and aggression towards strangers. Studies have also shown that the Doberman dog bite is very dangerous. Children are also vulnerable to attack from the Doberman five times more than the Labrador dog. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Doberman assault on humans does not lead to death as other breeds: pitbulls, German Shepherd dogs, Rottweiler, Husky, Wolf, and Alaska. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dog bites depend on the extent of responsibility of dog owners.


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